Friday, July 26, 2019

Love Language...

When you feel you need to talk and you just can't - I wonder if I am the only one...

What I mean is I sometimes like to talk to people and spend quality time with them which is one form of love for me. I realized that it does not matter if I am texting, in person, or over video - The point is that quality time is happening.

What about you, what makes you feel loved?  I mean have you thought about the simple things that get you right at the heart and makes you feel special and loved. Those could be flowers, a compliment, someone cleaning your home, feeling a person touch your hand, and/or just communicating with someone.

Some people would call these qualities the Five Love Languages, which are: Gifts, Quality Time, Words of Affirmations, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

I encourage you to google - Five Love Languages and learn which language you have.

The point is everyone needs to feel loved.  Loving yourself or another person does not have to be difficult to show, but in return could be very simple. My hope is that people would diversify themselves and find out what way makes you and/or someone else feel loved.

Than go out and show it to the people you love and let people know your love language.  My hope is that people will not fill love with something else that in the end will hurt them.  Loving is amazing and true love is even better.  Don't settle for second best but wait for the best.

You got this, all you have to do is search out what you need and want and remember it may be in the form you were not even thinking about, so go find what fulfills you. And know whatever that outcome is each person is different and receives love in their own way --- find yours!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Loose Lips Sink Ships.....

Loose Lips Sink Ships.....does that even make any sense?  I thought this slogan was meant for people who gossiped or shared information that was not for them to share, but this week I learned it could be for something else.

Lets talk about this for a moment...I thought I was a person that tried to keep certain elements/topics to myself, except this week I realized I share things to certain people that I trust which help me process what is going on in my life.

Let me explain...I am an outward processor which means I process things by talking it through or speaking out loud.  This means I have to be patient for people who process internally because I need to allow everyone to come up with the answer in their own timing.

But what does that have to do with Loose Lips Sink Ships...For me it means I need to figure out another way to process my thoughts than telling someone my personal business especially when it relates to another person. I did not think about how that other person would feel even though I meant no harm and all I was trying to do was figure out my own feelings and/or thoughts.

As I write this, my heart feels heavy because I need to apologize to everyone that I may of unintentional hurt due to me trying to process a situation and/or issue I was personally trying to deal with.

Now back to the slogan of Loose Lips Sink Ships - I think for me this means I need to stop and somehow internally process what, who, and why I need to talk to anyone about a personal matter I am dealing with especially when it deals with another individual because I may not intentionally try to create harm, but in the end information my be spoken that did not have permission to be shared.

I guess my hope can be that others will be careful what he/she says to another person because you may not know if the words you say will hurt or effect that person in a negative way.  I learned the hard way, but am thankful I get to learn from this lesson and move forward in shifting how I communicate and process ideas/thoughts.

Just know that we all have power to use our mouth to uplift or tear down someone -- that means the ball is in your court on how you will touch another person's life.  Go be the light instead of spreading darkness to a world that needs a little more sunshine.