Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 weeks since Grandpa has been gone......

Next Step…..

Written on 09/22/2010
On Thursday at 12:45PM (today) my grandpa would have been gone now for two weeks.   The pain still hurts and my heart is still sad at times, but I know that I will make it through.

It has  been good and I am getting back to some normalcy.  The last few days I can say that I have received clarity and the path I am taking is so clear to me.  This is hard to say but I have changed and I know for a moment I thought I lost my drive but really I have it back and it is stronger than ever.  I do know that I will do whatever it takes to continue my grandpa’s legacy, his work ethic, love for family, and the ability to live every moment.  He was a man that always worked but at the same time lived life to the fullest.  During his retirement he lived and even up to the day he went into surgery he was living life as normal. 

So I take this moment and say sorry to the people I have not talked with for the last few weeks and to those who had no idea what I have been going through, but this event in my life has been a world wind and I am finally coming up for air.  

So back to my next step……while I am sorry but that is a mystery and I think for now I will keep it to myself.  Just know that the steps I am taking today are leading to the master plan and know that God is leading the pack.

So I end with this…..losing someone you love is a healing process, and through time I believe if everyone has a fight in them they will make it through.  Remember to keep fighting and live everyday like it is your last.  Love your family and strive for your dreams because with determination and hard work a person can do whatever they set their mind too.

So for now I am out - J

Remember your choices do matter.....

Written on Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today has been a unique day.  I went to church, dropped off my niece, nephew, and Molly (puppy), went to His House, watched Detroit Lions football game, and found a book laying on the free table “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” ( at apartment complex).  Instead of doing dishes I started to read this book.  I am on chapter seven, and I am enjoying reading about this lawyer’s journey to inner peace.  I realized something today, and that is I need to reconnect with myself.

While I was pondering about today, I realized that last week at this time I was sitting/standing in a room talking to people while my grandpa laid in a casket.  Our family was hosting his funeral visitations and we were interacting with all the people that came to support us and celebrate his life.  Another thing that hit me is I need to focus on me these next few months and work on fixing my broken heart.  Since we found out about his diagnose to when he passed away (12 days) my life has been in a world wind, and I somehow lost my passion.  Right now, I am going through the motions and living my life as usual.  The problem is I am not sure why I am doing what I am doing - my passion is gone and I need to rekindle my fire.  I am tired of going through the motions and I am ready to figure out what my next assignments are.  I know that through this process I am will not be the same and I will be coming out a completely different person.  This experience has changed my life and I am now ready for the ultimate assignment God has for me. 

Last night I had a dream that was so vivid.  In this dream I was reliving my grandpa’s last days on this Earth.  Also, in this dream I say a time line that explained every detail of what he would do next including the day he would take his last breath (February 2nd - was that date).  It was weird and when I woke up it was around 2:30AM.  I just laid there and was trying to process what I just experienced, and then I got an idea. 

This dream was explaining to me that God has every detail worked out in our lives.  In the last few days my grandpa made a choice to renew his salvation and expressed that opening before all of his friends and family.  My grandpa did not express religion opening.  He was not a regular church attendee, but in his own way he believed in a God.  In the last moments of his life he was ready and he said,  “I am ready to meet Jesus.”  I was surprised because when he took his last breathe it was like he went to sleep.  I sort of felt that  it was time for him to go so I led my family in prayer and when the prayer was over my grandpa was gone. 

I guess we all have choices.  Choices of what we believe in, Choice of the stress we allow to consume our life, or even choices of what lifestyle we are going to live.  I am not sure what you believe but one day everyone will be lying in a casket and people will be coming to your funeral visitation or memorial -- The question is:  What will those people be saying about you? 

So I close with this; someone told me once:  On your grave stone is your birthday, a dash, and than the year you die - The question is what story will you write that will explain the dash.  Curtis Zimmerman said during his presentations  (Fall Welcome Week, Western Michigan University), you are the main character of your script so what will write and who will you add or delete from your script.

So remember we all have freedom to choice what consumes our life and what script with will live by.  Until next I say Good Day/Good Night ----- J

My feeling after losing my Grandpa John Ferris,

My Blog post:  09/18/10
How I am doing.

Right now it is 2:12AM and I am laying in my living room.  I just finished a movie that I saw multiple times and for some reason this time I started to cry.  The crying was not in regards to the movie but instead something in that movie reminded me of my grandpa and my heart started to weep. 

It is crazy I know.  A person (me) who is suppose to be strong, but instead deep down my heart is broken (right now).  My heart is broken over the loss of my Grandpa John; it has been a week since we lost him.  He was one of my biggest supports and I did not realize it until the doctor diagnosed him with colon cancer again.  He was a man that was always there for me and someone I could always count on.  I guess you could say he was the pillar of our family or the rock of the family. 

I decided to write this blog to explain how I am feeling.  Many people ask me ’how are you doing’ and my response is OK or good.  My friend told me awhile back that OK is an alright description of your emotions.  Like she said when she was struggling that sometimes you are just OK.   I think for me OK is a state that you are making it.  I know there are time when I feel sad inside, but because I do not want people to feel sorry for me the best description is ’I am OK.’

During the last twelve days of my grandpa’s life I learned a huge lesson.  I think of myself as a student after God’s own heart and I would say that my faith is strong.  So when I found out the news I immediately started to contact folks to pray for my grandpa and I never once doubted that God would completely heal my grandpa.  I know that God is the ultimate healer and nothing is too big for Him.  The problem was that through out those twelve days I would just cry and sometimes I would cry for hours and did not know how to stop myself.  The lesson I learned was no matter how strong your faith is every person still has a heart, and at that moment my heart was crying.  You see, when I heard this news it was hard for me and my life was turned upside down.  The person that I could count on for anything and he always was there was given a week to months to live, and it hit me that my biggest safety net was dying. 

So today my heart is broken and I know that through time and God’s help my heart will be put back together.  The lesson will stay with me forever, and now it is a tool that I can use.  I am thankful that I finally can say I know how to love because I loved my grandpa and with him I held nothing back.  Sometimes loving someone means in the end your heart could get broken, but I know that I will always take the risk to love again.

So to sum this up, I am doing well.  I have good days and bad days.  I am doing my best to not forget to grieve my grandpa’s death.  I will make it and I will help my family also make it.  So here is part one of my story, and I will do my best to update this blog on my progress and the lessons God has taught me through it.  So for now I am signing off, and remember it is OK to be OK.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Next step

It has been a long time since I have blogged, but I finally decided that I needed to update the world what is happening in my life. 

This May I graduated college and I thought I had it all figured out.  I thought I was going to move to another State and work for a person I knew, but then things started to fall apart.  Everything I thought I had worked out was no longer available.  I was so confused and wondered why God would do this because I thought I knew the plan He had for my future.  This month I took a stand and decided not to move out of the State.  Once I decided to stay things started to fall back into place.

I have to say that today I am in a beautiful place.  August 1st I move into my own place and start my life as a professional person.

So what is next....

I have taken up my call and decided to go into full time ministry while at the same time become a social worker.  I am in the process of starting to become in full time ministry with the United Methodist Church, and I could not be more excited and at peace with myself.    

So there it is a portion of what God had done in my life these last few weeks.  More important God showed me that my season was not quite up, and there are people that I still need to encourage and bless in Kalamazoo.  

Let me close with this.....Last night I had the opportunity to go out to dinner with a few people from the university, and God used me to bless a young lady that I have known for the last year. I am so amazed on how God works and I know that the path I am heading is going to be amazing.

So remember just because you think you have the plan God has for your future....It might not exactly be His plan and if you seek Him whole heartily.....He will show up and show out in your life.

I am out for now, but continue to live your dream ----J

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It is finally finished....

May 1st, 2010 marks the day that I finished my undergraduate degree, and today I have a Bachelor of Social Work and a National certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership.  I can not believe it is done.  For four years I have been working on this degree and I finally made it. 

So I had so many emotions going through my body as I walked into work on Monday.  Thank God I still have my job at the university, but in August everything will change as I leave the life I have known for four years.  I was scared and excited because I know now I can finally do what I love and work in a profession that needs dedicated people.

I am not sure where I will end up.  I thought I had the direction God wanted me to go with but the job fell through.  I really wanted to help her with her business, but maybe that was not the exact place I should be at. I know that we will continue to be friends, and God will continue to bless her so much, but I guess it was a blow to me even though it was a mutual decision.   

So what is next....That is the question of the day, I do not know but I can say that my desire to start my nonprofit is at my forefront and I am starting to put my vision on paper.  I have to say that I am scared:  scared because a new season of my life is coming, scared to leave my family, and  scared for change.  I thought I would never say it but change is scary especially when you have lived your life in a way for four years.  But at the same time I am so so excited.  I know God has great things for me and this summer and the next year is going to prepare me for the 'Bigger Picture' that God has birthed in me for over seven years.  I am ready.  I am ready to step out in faith and see how God uses me.  I also am ready for love and know that it is coming soon.

Well until next time.  Living the Dream with me is going to be crazy and sometimes adventurous, but I know that in the end God will be glorified and at the end of the day He will get all the honor not me.  

Until next time, I am out.....J

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April, part 2.....

April.....Things can change!

This month has been the craziest month yet.  I did not realize that when you are preparing to graduate the last few weeks of school are full of all the activities someone need's to accomplish before they graduate.  I can not believe my life right now because it is so amazing.

Let me explain.  The last few months I have been seeking God and searching myself for the areas I am truly passionate about.  In the social welfare sector a person can go in so many directions and it seems like there is a need somewhere and with someone.   These last few months in April I decided to go and speak with a person that specializes in spiritual direction/discernment.  This experience has been amazing because I am able to talk to a person that has no "importance" to my life and I do not have to worry about burdening her with my problems.  She has challenged me and offered some great wisdom to parts of my life that I struggle the most in. 

So what is next.....well I had the opportunity to talk to some people and they gave me some great advice.   Someone told me to write down my goal of  where I want to be in five years.  So I did and here is what I came up with:
  1. Become Debt Free
  2. Be Financial Secure
  3. Be a licensed Social Worker
  4. Travel 1-2 weeks every 3-6 months to places that God has given me passion for so I can help them in anyway possible (In America and around the World)
  5. Help a friend with her vision for a Gentleman's club 
  6. Mystery - relationship
  7. Have fun and live like no tomorrow 

So here are the facts and where I will be in August is a mystery, but I have a job interview the end of this month and a date still set to move to Ohio.  I guess only God really knows where that location will be but I do know where I want to be and I am going to do my best to get there.  I also know I can not able please everyone but understand that whatever decision I make eventually they will support my decision.  This last year I had the opportunity to figure out a few places where I can go to find refuge and refresh myself.

Well until next time, I am out -J

P.S.  Ohio is still a place very dear to my heart because they have one of the greatest churches housed there (this is my opinion)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April, What?

Today is April 1st, 2010.....O where did March go.

A great deal has happen since I last posted anything to my  blog.  I traveled to Nicaragua in the beginning of March.  It was an amazing experience.  I enjoyed getting up every morning at 6:30AM to a cold shower with running water and sitting on the porch enjoying the amazing scenario around me.  (For the record, the water only runs two times a day)  It was great to also slow the pace of life down.  The Nicaragua people enjoy the moment by not rushing.  A meeting that was scheduled at 2PM could start anywhere from 2-3PM.  This trip made me realize that God has blessed me so much and He has allowed me to travel the world showing his love to others.  We had no agenda and it was great to see what a group of people can do without the same equipment we use everyday like washers, dryers, stoves, microwaves, and running water.  I know that the Nicaraguans blessed me and I was able to meet some amazing people.  I can only hope that one day God will allow me to go back to that great country to continue to expand on the relationships I have started and to love on those people.

March was a transition.  After spring break I wanted to stop attending school, but I had to snap back into the mindset of a student because I still have a few more weeks left.  This month I also decided I am going to start attending sessions with a spiritual mentor.  My desire is to go deeper in Christ and to continue to show His love and compassion to this World.  

Well today is April 1st....and I know that I have to buckle down and prepare for my departure as an undergraduate student.  I am excited for the transition but I am nervous because for four years I have known the same route and have worked at the same employment.  Now it is time to move on and continue the work God has prepared me for.  I am ready to move to my new season of life.  I know that I will be leaving people behind and moving to another State, but I do know that I will be back.  I love my family and no matter where God takes me, they will always be in my thoughts and prayers. 

So this is it....April is upon me and my life is full of many different meetings, events, and graduation.  I am staying in Michigan until August and this summer I am going to enjoy every moment with my family and friends. 

So until next time, I am out.   J

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Forty-Four Day Fast

Forty-Four Day FAST
February 18th - April 4th, 2010
  Tonight when I returned home from my class, I felt like I needed to fast.  As I was sitting in the chair in my living room I was thinking about what I could fast and how long should I fast.  Today is Ash Wednesday, and it is forty-four days away from Easter so that is how long I am going to fast.

I am not fasting because it is the season of 'lent' but I am fasting to produce a habit.  I want to produce a habit to seek God intensely no matter what.
Here is what I am fasting......From 8AM - 6PM, I will have NO Online Entertainment (movies, games, social sites, etc)

 You might be saying that this could be easy, but the secret is that I enjoy watching movies, TV series or being a certain sites on the web.  So this is going to be a sacrifice and I think that is why I was prompted to fast this item.

Now you are aware of how my next 44 days will be spent, and I am excited to see what God will do during this time and how God will handle the items I will be specifically fasting for.

Until next time, I am out --J

WOW....February 2010


This month has been amazing and challenging.  February is not even over yet and I have enjoyed each obstacle, I have faced.

I have learned so much this week.  Last Sunday morning, I was watching WHC Live and Pastor Parsley preached his best sermon yet.   It was a word that I needed to hear.  He talked about how we need to seek after God.  He gave examples about how people seek God intensely when they are going through something challenging or dealing with a tragedy, but when we reach the other side folks forget to continue to seek God intensely. He also talked about how God stands back a little bit to see if we will still seek after him when life is 'Good'.  

I realized that even though I want more of God and desire to live for him all of my days; I also forget to seek him intensely.  My life is amazing; even though lately I probably have not made some great decisions and I am going through a hard patch, I know - I am still Blessed.  This week I have been seeking God more than I have in a long time and I want to continue seeking him intensely.  It is so funny how God shows up and shows out in your life and people around you show you how amazing God is.  

Let me give you an example.....This week my car decided not to work properly even though I just put a great deal of money into it.  I had to make a decision because I need a car.  So on Tuesday I decided to rent a vehicle and even though Tuesday morning was so stressful and I was not sure where the money was coming from for this rental.  I still make it to my client's visit.  While I was sitting in the waiting room with my coworker A*** she said something so amazing.  She told me just drive the car and let the mileage you receive from **** pay for the car.   That made my day because God showed up again and worked through someone that has no influence on my spiritual life to show me that things will be alright.

I don't know about you, but I know I am going to seek God intensely.  Seek Him like it is the last think I do and Seek Him like there is no Tomorrow.

This year has just started but I have learned so much and can not wait to see what God does for me the coming months of 2010.

Until next time....Seek God will all your might and heart!  I am out --J

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Taking myself out of the equation......

Taking myself out of the equation
It's the middle of February...

WOW!  I can not believe it is already the middle of February.  In a couple of weeks I will be loading a plane and heading done South to Nicaragua.

So this week I decided to take me out of the equation of my life.  I want what God has for my life and I also decided not to rush into anything major without consulting God first.  I heard once that it could be someone trying to get out of a situation when they say 'I have to pray about it'  because this person said we should already know what God wants for our life and situation.  I agree a little bit on this statement, but I also think a person should pray about major decisions in their life to make sure that it is a 'God' decision and not just a 'Good' decision.

Lately, I have been searching for which direction professionally I should head in.  I really enjoy what I am doing in my internship.  It is great to be working with a family to help them find the resources they need to succeed.  I asked a coworker's opinion on my next professional move and she said, "I see you doing something that challenges you where every you may live, you are a multitask-er and you need to be challenge if not you could get bored."

Well there it is folks, a bunch has happen this February and I am enjoying taking me out of the equation and see what God will do.  I will say that I am still determine to complete my goal.  God has opened up a few doors for me to meet some amazing people but I know that if it is God's desire for me to continue a relationship with them than God will open that door wide open and if not He will close it.  Producing habits is going to be an amazing thing and I know that I am determine to continue to take care of my health and one day something amazing will happen.....

For now I am out,  J

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today I remember to enjoy God.....

Enjoy God!

These last few days have reminded me to step back and enjoy God.  On Sunday, I was reminded what part of my testimony was when my brother Joe confirmed his faith and got baptized.  Before he was about to get baptized the preacher asked him to describe the moment he found Christ.  He told part of our story and it reminded me where we came from and how amazing my mother was because she took us out of an environment that was not great and traveled across the country to bring us to a place where we could live in a different environment. 

I know where I came from and am so excited that I have had the opportunity to experience these opportunities because they have helped me develop in the person I am today.  Sometimes I wonder why I do not tell people my whole testimony or the experiences I have walked through, but than I think that people would not understand and would judge me for the life I have lived.  My mom reminded me of a situation we experienced on our drive here from Colorado and how a truck driver with out a face helped us out.  He paid for us to sleep in a hotel room and borrowed a waitress car to take us to and from the hotel.  I remember that man even though we were very little and I thank God that even than he has protected my family and provided for us when we were in need.

So God is amazing and I am thankful to experience him deeper.  I am excited to share my testimony when I feel the time is right and to always make sure God leads me.  I am searching for a great experience with him and draw closer to His Word, knowing that this month I will 'Produce Habits'.  

So that is why I am enjoying God and I also thank God that he will continue to bless my BFF as she continues to journey through her 30 days with God and I pray God will help her find what she is searching for..........

So for now I am out and remember to enjoy God with everything you have ----J

When God rebukes you.....

Sometimes I need to be reminded who is in charge of my life......

This last week I was attending a worship service.  I did not want to be there because it was mandatory for me as I was an employee of the organization.  

As I was worshiping God, He rebuked me.  I have not been excited to go to events or do any work related to this employer of mine.  But than God told me that it does not matter I should still do everything to glorify Him and I should stop being selfish.  He reminded me that I am still on a mission field and that every person I come in contact with will not be flexible and could be demanding.  He reminded me that the field I am going into is not always easy and enjoyable for people, but with everything I do I need to Glorify Him and remember ultimately who I am serving and why I do what I do.

God also reminded me that I forgot to ask him for guidance in the projects I am working on.  Since I have included God I have enjoyed my job and am excited to finish the project and watch God get all the glory.

Even though I think I am on the same page with God sometime my 'self' gets in the way and I love when God corrects and rebukes me to remind me who is ultimately in charge.

Praise God!  But for now I am out and remember to Love God and look to him ---J

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 2010 - Theme

February 2010
Theme:  'Produce Habit'
I still can not believe that it is February 2010....So many college students I have came in contact these last few weeks say they want to redo January and tonight there is an event to redo New Year's Eve 2010.  I have to say I have had an amazing year so far.

Yesterday on February 3rd, 2010, I was praying about what my theme for this month would be and I decided that this month I will work on 'Produce Habit'.   In January I had the opportunity to build a foundation to jump start this year even though I have battled some health issues.  Praise God it is time to find out how February of 2010 will be and to Produce and create habits in my life.

Until next time,  I am out ---J

God always seems to show up at the right time....

These last few weeks have been interesting. 

I have been seeking God for some answers and God has been opening opportunities and he has answered some prayers of mine for my family.  First of all my oldest sibling is getting baptized this Sunday.  I am so excited for him and thrilled that I get to part take in this day.  Also another member of my family is finally receiving the help he needs and I am proud of him for taking the steps to seek medical treatment.  God is so amazing.....He seems to to always show up at the right time. 

Yesterday, I was sitting with a friend of mine when one of my professors decided to join us.  This professor have a PHD, and he has worked in his own practice at one time.  So I decided to ask him something that I have been thinking about for awhile, 'Could someone with a LBSW still work in an environment that does not have a LMSW.'  He said yes, but it depends on the policy of the State you live in.  That one statement helped me realize that it is a possibility to do both passions I have when I transition to Ohio. 

WOW, God is good!  Now I need to start researching some of the desires/ideas God has placed inside of me and the professional opportunities that I might pursue in the future.

Well I am out for now but I will do my best to keep my blog up-to-date.....

For now be Blessed, I am out --J

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ohio, part 1


In a few months I will be heading back to Columbus, Ohio.  I am excited and nervous because I am not sure what to expect.  I am excited to be a part of a Church that is doing amazing things and tons of people are getting touched.  I know that my faith will grow even more and I will be covered by an AMAZING anointing. 

I am also excited to finally have my own place.  I have been looking forward to the day where I can call a place home and invite folks over to entertain. 

I guess I am nervous about what direction I should go professionally.  I know that there are a couple areas I would love to volunteer in and if a job opened up in one of them I would apply immediately.  I also have an opportunity to work with an amazing person again, but I wonder if there is a place for me in that business.  I do not want to go there thinking that I am better than anyone else but I do know that I have resources and experience in me that is waiting to help further the next position/business I step into.

I also would love to start a business that has been stiring inside of me.  I do know I will take one step at a time and I believe that God will direct my path and bless it

So for now, those are my thoughts on Ohio....Please pray that every decision I make is done with clarity and prayer.  May God Bless you and your family!

Until next time I am out, ----J

January 2010 is over..

January has been a good month.  I think I have accomplished the Foundation for my year.  I have made steps to create a fitness plan and add more protein into my diet which I am exited about.  I can continue to read God's word.  I did buy a Bible that is in book format and hope to start to read that in the upcoming weeks.  I am still working on my budget and hope to be following my month budget this month.

So if I was honest with myself I would say that I still have waves to go to create these aspects a habit for my daily life, but plans are in place to make them a habit.

.....On a brighter note I have to say January has been a good and I can not wait to see what the rest of 2010 has in store for me.  I think my decision to go to Ohio is something I have to do and it is a God's decision because since I have decided to officially go my health has been tested.  I have been facing some major headaches and just recently one of these headaches but me in the hospital for a few hours, but Praise God! I am pulling out of it and eventually I will be back to normal.

So I say goodbye to January and Hello to February; i am excited to see what this month has in store for me...

I am out for now, J

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today, I am trying to slow myself down.  I do not want to get in the way God has for me.  I have to say though I really want to figure things out by the end of February.

I am certain that my next season will start in Ohio.  I am just trying to be patient on this process.  My old self would have to figure it out all by myself, and than it would change because I would feel like I need to go another direction.  I do know I would love to have my own place.

I guess patience is truly a virtue.  I also am trying to figure out how I can incorporate social work in what I do next.

O God help me to let you lead me and not let myself take over.....


God can speak in all ways....

A couple of days ago I was on the phone with some of my family members in Florida.  The phone was being past around though out the group whom were walking and the first person said you should move to Ohio, and I decided to respond back by saying something crazy.  But what really touched me...........
was when 'T' got on the phone and he started to say that I need to move to Ohio and no where else.  He also was saying how I need to be under the anointing of Pastor 'P' and how I have no choice....Ohio and that is it.

You could think I am crazy but I have to say God used a 17 year old to confirm my next move even though I already knew deep down that this was where I am suppose to go.  I guess sometimes when you are least expecting it God will give you confirmation.  He did this once before by a stranger when we were on our way back from Denver Colorado.

I don't know about others but I love how God shows up and allows me to receive his confirmation in ways that only I know that it has to be him.  Let me say in both occasion neither person knew what was going on in my situation.

Well until we meet again,
I am out, J

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Season Change

When it is time to change your Season in Life....

I have to say that I am so excited to be graduating in a few months (May 1st, 2010).  It has been a great four years in Kalamazoo Michigan.  I have learned a great deal about myself, what I believe in, and accepting the call God has on my life.  I am ready to transition out of the student role and into the professional role.  

In the last few months a lot has happened.  I traveled back out to Idaho to check out a graduate college in Washington State (Eastern Washington University) and met with the supervisor for an amazing internship.  I loved it out there and know that that place could be a good place for me to get my Masters in Social Work.  I was ready to finish the application process; I finished the references and needed to write the papers until God opened up an opportunity for me.

Someone close to me gave me an opportunity to engage in business with them, so I stepped back and prayed about the situation.  I also reviewed my reasons behind why I was going to graduate school.  It ended up being that the main reason I wanted to go to Idaho was to create a deeper relationship with my family out there.  So I thought about it....

This is what I realized.  I have officially decided to postpone graduate school for now and 'establish who I am'.   This decision might be crazy in some people's eyes but I hope that I do not hurt anyone in the process.  I know now that I can engage in a closer relationship with my family by traveling to see them more often and keeping in contact with them.  I also know that the plan God had put on my life is pretty amazing and is waiting for me to step out in Faith and see how he helps me accomplish it. 

So now 'establish who I am', I want to establish myself has a professional and pursue what I am most passionate about which is the welfare of children (foster care, orphanages).  I also want to engage in business with my good friend and help her business grow (I am not sure what this will be).  Another thing is that I want to get out of the stigma of a student and get a place of my own. 

So here is a piece of the new season I am about to embark.  I will update my blog on how God is going to unravel my new season.

So for now I will say To Be Continued.....

I am out, J

January - theme

January Theme
"Take a Step - Build a Foundation"

 My goals for this year are:

           1.  Love the Word:  increase prayer and fasting
           2.  Habit for Heath
           3.  Finances 

So here is the theme and goals for January.  I have started to create a plan to accomplish all of my goals.  This semester His House is doing a challenge to read the Bible (front to back) and I am taking up the challenge and excited to see what I get out of the Word.  Also for my health I am consulting with a personal trainer and ready to build a program that will make me healthy and fit.  Now for my finances I am going to do my best to create a plan to get out of debt and stick to my budget this year.

While now you have it -- my month in a nut shell.  I have to say that through out this process there are going to be some sort of struggle/challenge especially when it comes to my personal trainer.

So until next time, and I can not wait to fill you in when I start to complete my goals, but for now enjoy your day and remember to Keep Him (God) first.

I am out, J

New Year!!!

This year I am going to try and use my blog more to record the amazing things I am doing in my life and how God has blessed me.

First of all, it has been a crazy start to an amazing year. In December I went to Florida, than came back for a few days to Michigan, and finally ended up in Arizona.

Also this year I have decided to create a theme for the year and each month I will also have a theme with three goals to work towards. My theme is 'Live Like There is NO Tomorrow.' I am excited to see what God is going to do in my life and how much he will use me.

So as I will do my best to update this blog with my thoughts, 2010 here I come.

Out for now, J