Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today, I am trying to slow myself down.  I do not want to get in the way God has for me.  I have to say though I really want to figure things out by the end of February.

I am certain that my next season will start in Ohio.  I am just trying to be patient on this process.  My old self would have to figure it out all by myself, and than it would change because I would feel like I need to go another direction.  I do know I would love to have my own place.

I guess patience is truly a virtue.  I also am trying to figure out how I can incorporate social work in what I do next.

O God help me to let you lead me and not let myself take over.....


God can speak in all ways....

A couple of days ago I was on the phone with some of my family members in Florida.  The phone was being past around though out the group whom were walking and the first person said you should move to Ohio, and I decided to respond back by saying something crazy.  But what really touched me...........
was when 'T' got on the phone and he started to say that I need to move to Ohio and no where else.  He also was saying how I need to be under the anointing of Pastor 'P' and how I have no choice....Ohio and that is it.

You could think I am crazy but I have to say God used a 17 year old to confirm my next move even though I already knew deep down that this was where I am suppose to go.  I guess sometimes when you are least expecting it God will give you confirmation.  He did this once before by a stranger when we were on our way back from Denver Colorado.

I don't know about others but I love how God shows up and allows me to receive his confirmation in ways that only I know that it has to be him.  Let me say in both occasion neither person knew what was going on in my situation.

Well until we meet again,
I am out, J

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Season Change

When it is time to change your Season in Life....

I have to say that I am so excited to be graduating in a few months (May 1st, 2010).  It has been a great four years in Kalamazoo Michigan.  I have learned a great deal about myself, what I believe in, and accepting the call God has on my life.  I am ready to transition out of the student role and into the professional role.  

In the last few months a lot has happened.  I traveled back out to Idaho to check out a graduate college in Washington State (Eastern Washington University) and met with the supervisor for an amazing internship.  I loved it out there and know that that place could be a good place for me to get my Masters in Social Work.  I was ready to finish the application process; I finished the references and needed to write the papers until God opened up an opportunity for me.

Someone close to me gave me an opportunity to engage in business with them, so I stepped back and prayed about the situation.  I also reviewed my reasons behind why I was going to graduate school.  It ended up being that the main reason I wanted to go to Idaho was to create a deeper relationship with my family out there.  So I thought about it....

This is what I realized.  I have officially decided to postpone graduate school for now and 'establish who I am'.   This decision might be crazy in some people's eyes but I hope that I do not hurt anyone in the process.  I know now that I can engage in a closer relationship with my family by traveling to see them more often and keeping in contact with them.  I also know that the plan God had put on my life is pretty amazing and is waiting for me to step out in Faith and see how he helps me accomplish it. 

So now 'establish who I am', I want to establish myself has a professional and pursue what I am most passionate about which is the welfare of children (foster care, orphanages).  I also want to engage in business with my good friend and help her business grow (I am not sure what this will be).  Another thing is that I want to get out of the stigma of a student and get a place of my own. 

So here is a piece of the new season I am about to embark.  I will update my blog on how God is going to unravel my new season.

So for now I will say To Be Continued.....

I am out, J

January - theme

January Theme
"Take a Step - Build a Foundation"

 My goals for this year are:

           1.  Love the Word:  increase prayer and fasting
           2.  Habit for Heath
           3.  Finances 

So here is the theme and goals for January.  I have started to create a plan to accomplish all of my goals.  This semester His House is doing a challenge to read the Bible (front to back) and I am taking up the challenge and excited to see what I get out of the Word.  Also for my health I am consulting with a personal trainer and ready to build a program that will make me healthy and fit.  Now for my finances I am going to do my best to create a plan to get out of debt and stick to my budget this year.

While now you have it -- my month in a nut shell.  I have to say that through out this process there are going to be some sort of struggle/challenge especially when it comes to my personal trainer.

So until next time, and I can not wait to fill you in when I start to complete my goals, but for now enjoy your day and remember to Keep Him (God) first.

I am out, J

New Year!!!

This year I am going to try and use my blog more to record the amazing things I am doing in my life and how God has blessed me.

First of all, it has been a crazy start to an amazing year. In December I went to Florida, than came back for a few days to Michigan, and finally ended up in Arizona.

Also this year I have decided to create a theme for the year and each month I will also have a theme with three goals to work towards. My theme is 'Live Like There is NO Tomorrow.' I am excited to see what God is going to do in my life and how much he will use me.

So as I will do my best to update this blog with my thoughts, 2010 here I come.

Out for now, J