Sunday, June 9, 2019

Another Diet --- WHAT?

Today, June 9th, 2019, I am starting a raw vegan diet for the next 7 days.  Actually, this diet is to break my addiction from sugar.  I told my mom about this change and she stated - why another diet - Jenn, you already had weight-loss surgery.  She had a good point.  The problem is my weight is not where I want it to be and after the surgery certain foods have made me sick.  My problem is no doctor can find out way I am having certain digestive issues that are making me feel miserable, so I decided after researching and evaluating other individuals maybe it is my diet.  I can say I am addicted to juicing and feel awesome when I am drinking raw juice. The problem I get back to is that sugar is still my weakness. That is way this journey of raw vegan diet is upon me.  I am excited. The problem I for see is diversifying my fruits and vegetables I eat, but I am willing to push through.

So here is to another amazing journey of dieting that might turn into a lifestyle shift..... For the next seven days I am going to document how I did and my feelings, so I can keep myself accountable to this challenge I am giving myself.  I also hope in the future this could/may help another person.  My hope is that my experience will help motivate someone else to do a shift or change in their life that will better them.  Lets begin.....Day 1

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