Wednesday, January 20, 2010

God can speak in all ways....

A couple of days ago I was on the phone with some of my family members in Florida.  The phone was being past around though out the group whom were walking and the first person said you should move to Ohio, and I decided to respond back by saying something crazy.  But what really touched me...........
was when 'T' got on the phone and he started to say that I need to move to Ohio and no where else.  He also was saying how I need to be under the anointing of Pastor 'P' and how I have no choice....Ohio and that is it.

You could think I am crazy but I have to say God used a 17 year old to confirm my next move even though I already knew deep down that this was where I am suppose to go.  I guess sometimes when you are least expecting it God will give you confirmation.  He did this once before by a stranger when we were on our way back from Denver Colorado.

I don't know about others but I love how God shows up and allows me to receive his confirmation in ways that only I know that it has to be him.  Let me say in both occasion neither person knew what was going on in my situation.

Well until we meet again,
I am out, J

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