Thursday, May 13, 2010

It is finally finished....

May 1st, 2010 marks the day that I finished my undergraduate degree, and today I have a Bachelor of Social Work and a National certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership.  I can not believe it is done.  For four years I have been working on this degree and I finally made it. 

So I had so many emotions going through my body as I walked into work on Monday.  Thank God I still have my job at the university, but in August everything will change as I leave the life I have known for four years.  I was scared and excited because I know now I can finally do what I love and work in a profession that needs dedicated people.

I am not sure where I will end up.  I thought I had the direction God wanted me to go with but the job fell through.  I really wanted to help her with her business, but maybe that was not the exact place I should be at. I know that we will continue to be friends, and God will continue to bless her so much, but I guess it was a blow to me even though it was a mutual decision.   

So what is next....That is the question of the day, I do not know but I can say that my desire to start my nonprofit is at my forefront and I am starting to put my vision on paper.  I have to say that I am scared:  scared because a new season of my life is coming, scared to leave my family, and  scared for change.  I thought I would never say it but change is scary especially when you have lived your life in a way for four years.  But at the same time I am so so excited.  I know God has great things for me and this summer and the next year is going to prepare me for the 'Bigger Picture' that God has birthed in me for over seven years.  I am ready.  I am ready to step out in faith and see how God uses me.  I also am ready for love and know that it is coming soon.

Well until next time.  Living the Dream with me is going to be crazy and sometimes adventurous, but I know that in the end God will be glorified and at the end of the day He will get all the honor not me.  

Until next time, I am out.....J