Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April, part 2.....

April.....Things can change!

This month has been the craziest month yet.  I did not realize that when you are preparing to graduate the last few weeks of school are full of all the activities someone need's to accomplish before they graduate.  I can not believe my life right now because it is so amazing.

Let me explain.  The last few months I have been seeking God and searching myself for the areas I am truly passionate about.  In the social welfare sector a person can go in so many directions and it seems like there is a need somewhere and with someone.   These last few months in April I decided to go and speak with a person that specializes in spiritual direction/discernment.  This experience has been amazing because I am able to talk to a person that has no "importance" to my life and I do not have to worry about burdening her with my problems.  She has challenged me and offered some great wisdom to parts of my life that I struggle the most in. 

So what is next.....well I had the opportunity to talk to some people and they gave me some great advice.   Someone told me to write down my goal of  where I want to be in five years.  So I did and here is what I came up with:
  1. Become Debt Free
  2. Be Financial Secure
  3. Be a licensed Social Worker
  4. Travel 1-2 weeks every 3-6 months to places that God has given me passion for so I can help them in anyway possible (In America and around the World)
  5. Help a friend with her vision for a Gentleman's club 
  6. Mystery - relationship
  7. Have fun and live like no tomorrow 

So here are the facts and where I will be in August is a mystery, but I have a job interview the end of this month and a date still set to move to Ohio.  I guess only God really knows where that location will be but I do know where I want to be and I am going to do my best to get there.  I also know I can not able please everyone but understand that whatever decision I make eventually they will support my decision.  This last year I had the opportunity to figure out a few places where I can go to find refuge and refresh myself.

Well until next time, I am out -J

P.S.  Ohio is still a place very dear to my heart because they have one of the greatest churches housed there (this is my opinion)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April, What?

Today is April 1st, 2010.....O where did March go.

A great deal has happen since I last posted anything to my  blog.  I traveled to Nicaragua in the beginning of March.  It was an amazing experience.  I enjoyed getting up every morning at 6:30AM to a cold shower with running water and sitting on the porch enjoying the amazing scenario around me.  (For the record, the water only runs two times a day)  It was great to also slow the pace of life down.  The Nicaragua people enjoy the moment by not rushing.  A meeting that was scheduled at 2PM could start anywhere from 2-3PM.  This trip made me realize that God has blessed me so much and He has allowed me to travel the world showing his love to others.  We had no agenda and it was great to see what a group of people can do without the same equipment we use everyday like washers, dryers, stoves, microwaves, and running water.  I know that the Nicaraguans blessed me and I was able to meet some amazing people.  I can only hope that one day God will allow me to go back to that great country to continue to expand on the relationships I have started and to love on those people.

March was a transition.  After spring break I wanted to stop attending school, but I had to snap back into the mindset of a student because I still have a few more weeks left.  This month I also decided I am going to start attending sessions with a spiritual mentor.  My desire is to go deeper in Christ and to continue to show His love and compassion to this World.  

Well today is April 1st....and I know that I have to buckle down and prepare for my departure as an undergraduate student.  I am excited for the transition but I am nervous because for four years I have known the same route and have worked at the same employment.  Now it is time to move on and continue the work God has prepared me for.  I am ready to move to my new season of life.  I know that I will be leaving people behind and moving to another State, but I do know that I will be back.  I love my family and no matter where God takes me, they will always be in my thoughts and prayers. 

So this is it....April is upon me and my life is full of many different meetings, events, and graduation.  I am staying in Michigan until August and this summer I am going to enjoy every moment with my family and friends. 

So until next time, I am out.   J