I wonder why God has his people go through trials and tests. Could not our lives just be easy and simple with no stress or overwhelming circumstances.
I wonder why Joseph (from the Bible) had to travel to the pit, prison, and then to the palace. How come God did not just let him jump to the palace?
This picture is so peaceful and beautiful. The water, sand and shadow seems so perfect. But I think that if our lives were so perfect as this picture then we would never develop our testimony.
Everyone's testimony is different. People have faced self addiction, family addiction, abuse, sexual immorality, abortion, and/or not forgiving. I guess I think that we face tests in life so God will see what we are made of, and if we truly love Him.
Today, as many people observed Ash Wednesday/Lent, I wonder how many people our going to give up something because they have to or if people are going to change something in their life because they want to engage in a deeper relationship with their savior.
Today I had the opportunity to attend an Ash Wednesday service. During this service I came to a conclusion that my time or being busy could/is causing a barrier between me and God because sometimes I allow my time to be so consumed with other responsibilities or desires and I forget to spend time with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
So today as we continue on our journey to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope everyone will take time out to engage in a closer relationship with Jesus, and if for some reason you may not know him I hope you will find Him. He is waiting for you to accept him and believe in Him (Romans 10:8-10).
So be Blessed and if God willing I be back again. So For now I am out....J